More Heat, More Efficient, Better Value

City Firewood

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City Gardens

Natural Barks, Mulches & Sawdust

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At City Firewood, we pride ourselves on supplying the highest quality firewood for our customers, at outstanding prices to ensure you get the most out of your fireplace.
Our Kiln dried wood selection is dried using our enormous oven, which dries the wood far beyond what is achievable through seasoning, and shed drying, in addition to eradicating insect infestations. 
We offer a great range of screened firewood with different burning attributes, in a variety of sizes.
Mix and match your load, or check out some of the pre-selected mixes. We deliver from Castle Hill to Akaroa, and everywhere in between!

 Our current delivery times are approximately 1-2 days

Need your wood now? Pick up from our yard, check the yard availability here.

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