Tree, Log, and Woodchip Dumping


Do you have a shelter belt, or a small forestry block?

We have established and reliable contacts all over Canterbury who can organise the process whether it's from A to B or A to Z and help you to maximize the value of the trees on your land. Every woodlot is different so it is important to choose the right contractors who are set-up to do the job in the most cost effective way possible.

The last thing you want is another person in the middle taking a slice of the pie, so we don't charge anything for helping you out. We just like to have a constant supply of good logs coming in so we can keep Christchurch warm. 

As a buyer we take a large variety of species, sizes and shapes, so we can maximise the value of your trees and will purchase the finished logs off you for  full market rate. 

For all enquiries please fill out the Google form below

Log Sales

Looking for a log purchaser? 

Whether you have one load, or 100, City Firewood is always looking for new reliable suppliers. 

We don't beat around the bush here, we pay market rates for your logs whether you are a full forestry gang, or a father and son clearing out trees from the back paddock. 

We take most species if there is a decent amount of log truck and trailer loads, otherwise our main species are Pine, Oregon, Larch, Macrocarpa and Blue Gum which we can take one or more loads. 

For all enquiries please fill out the Google form below.



Woodchip Dumping

We have a hungry boiler to run our kiln. We mostly use our own waste, but also use a small amount of additional chip. We allow various people to dump woodchip waste at our site for free if they have excess. 

For all enquiries call or email Maddy: 
03 359 9323