X-mas Giveaway

Here are a list of our Christmas giveaway winners.
 Winner How they won
Ali Greening Was Tagged by Lisa 
Erin Baker Tagged Aaron Baker
Fesili Togiaso-losefo Tagged Dora Togiaso
Isla Connoly Tagged Fiona Connolly
Lieza Spang Was tagged by Averil Roper
Tristan Greasemonkey Was tagged by Jinxy Cat

And the wildcard goes to..... 

  Wildcard Winner How they won
Paula Edgeworth Tagged by TeRina Jeffreys
Help us let Paula know she has won one the last 3m3 load of wood!!!!
For everyone else, you can get you friend or loved on a Gift Card for x-mas.
If you are needing firewood, take a look at our Spring Specials for our best annual firewood deals for stocking up for next winter and some of the are the biggest specials ever! 
Or take a look at our brand new Gardens by City Firewood range which can also be redeemed with our gift cards. 
You can come in and see us any day of the week, as we are now open Sundays (for the first time in 30 years this Sunday!)

Thank you all and have a very Merry Christmas!!!